Looking online for baby girl names or baby boy names?

Expecting couple pondering over options for naming their baby girl

I'm a recent parent, and I know naming a baby is very personal...

Naming a baby is a profound act of creation, where parents breathe life into the identity of their precious child. It’s a dance between tradition and innovation, as they weave together threads of heritage and modernity to craft the perfect name.


Some seek inspiration from family lineage, passing down names rich with history and meaning, while others venture into uncharted territory, embracing the beauty of uniqueness. Each syllable is a brushstroke on the canvas of the child’s future, resonating with hopes, dreams, and endless possibilities.


Ultimately, the chosen name becomes a cherished gift, a symbol of love and belonging that accompanies the child on their journey through life, forever etched in the heart of their story.

And it used to be a lot of busy work. But not anymore with Bundle of Joy.

As a recent parent, I understand the anxiety of searching online for baby names, and that’s why I built Bundle of Joy – to save expecting moms and dads hours of their precious time while awaiting their baby.

100% FREE. No credit card required.

But if you insist on browsing lists of baby names, we have some for you too.